Org Config / Project bootstrap cheat-sheet

The previous sections outlined the concepts and structure behind this framework.

The following is a quick walk-through on how to create an Org config from scratch, and configure a single Gradle project to adhere to it. In this example, only external OSS publication support is enabled.

Start by creating an Org config template, filling in required parameters:

  "orgId": "my-org-id",
  "snapshotsRepo": {
    "id": "SonatypeOSSSnapshots",
    "url": "",
    "usernameEnvProperty": "SONATYPE_USER",
    "passwordEnvProperty": "SONATYPE_PASSWORD"
  "releasesRepo": {
    "id": "SonatypeOSSStaging",
    "url": "",
    "usernameEnvProperty": "SONATYPE_USER",
    "passwordEnvProperty": "SONATYPE_PASSWORD"
  "publishing": {
    "id": "an Org id (for example yoyodyne)",
    "devId": "a dev id (for example jhacker)",
    "devContact": "an Org name (for example Yoyodyne, Inc. or James Hacker)",
    "devEmail": "",
    "mavenSigningKeyEnvProperty": "MAVEN_SIGNING_PRV"
  "devConfig": {
    "versions": {
      "j8Spec": "io.github.j8spec:j8spec:3.0.0"

Next, go to the Github Secrets section of your repository, and configure the following values:

  • SONATYPE_USER - your Sonatype OSS repository username.
  • SONATYPE_PASSWORD - your Sonatype OSS account password.
  • MAVEN_SIGNING_PRV - An ASCII armoured version of you Maven PGP signin key.

You can export the PGP private key intended to sign releases with the following command:

gpg --output private.pgp --armor --export-secret-key

Note: In general, it should be safe to export subkeys derived from a PGP master private key. By consequence, it is never recommended that you store a master private key as a Github Secret to sign Maven artifacts.

Set the values required, and upload this to an S3 bucket, Dropbox or a Github Gist. Keep the URL where you uploaded this configuration.

Local development configuration

On your local development machine, create a file called .gsOrgConfig.json inside your home folder. Include the following contents:

  "orgId": "my-org-id",
  "orgConfigUrl": "https://<Location where you uploaded the Org Config file>"

Gradle Project setup

Next, switch over to the project you'd like to manage with this framework, and set:


name: Gradle Build
on: {push: {tags: null}}
    runs-on: ubuntu-18.04
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - uses: vaccovecrana/gitflow-oss-java-slim@1.0.1
          orgConfig: https://<Location where you uploaded the Org Config file>

libDesc=This is a brief description of what my library does
libLicense=Apache License, Version 2.0 (choose a license)
libLicenseUrl= (a link to your license text)

Finally, include and configure the Gradle plugin in your source tree in build.gradle.kts:

plugins { id("io.vacco.oss.gitflow") version "1.0.1" }

group = "com.myorg.mylibrary" // your project's target maven coordinates.
version = "0.1.0" // or whichever version you have

configure<io.vacco.oss.gitflow.GsPluginProfileExtension> {
  sharedLibrary(false, true) // external library with publication support

Once this is done, the following managed builds will take place:

  • Committing a feature/XYZ branch will produce and upload SNAPSHOT artifact into the Sonatype OSS snapshots repository. One such branch could be named feature/performance-improvements.
  • Committing into the develop branch will build and upload a MILESTONE artifact into the Sonatype OSS snapshots repository.
  • Creating a tag out from master or main will build and upload a RELEASE artifact into the Sonatype OSS releases repository. Once you close and release the temporary repository, the artifact will be available in Maven Central.